Course Overview
The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in collaboration with the Caribbean Association of National Training Authorities (CANTA) has developed online learning and assessment materials to support NTAs train assessors across the Caribbean region. This OER is in response to the regional need to train, retrain, and certify larger numbers of people than was possible through face-to-face training to assure the quality of new competency-based approaches to TVET. Since COVID-19, there has been recognition of a greater need for online training. This online course covers the eight mandatory units.
Learning Outcomes

Acquired Competencies:

  • Develop Assessment Procedures
  • Develop Assessment Tools
  • Plan Assessment
  • Conduct Assessment
  • Review Assessment
  • Communicate information relating to work activities Mandatory 20
  • Deliver quality service to customers Mandatory 20
  • Operate a personal computer


  • Module 1: Introduction to the CVQ System
  • Module 2: Assessment Procedures and Tools
  • Module 3: Competency Based Assessments
  • Module 4: Candidate Practicum