Course Overview

Becoming a Climate Champion: A Climate Emergency Course for Young People has been produced by the Commonwealth of Learning in collaboration with several of its open schooling partners. The curriculum at the schooling level is slow to change, but as students will learn, climate change is a very real and very important challenge – perhaps the MOST important challenge. As an open scholar and a young adult, targeted students have a vested interest in seeking to understand and mitigate the impact of climate change, since it affects their present and also their future. As open scholars, they also get to choose what they want to learn, when they want to learn and how they want to learn. They can work through the course content alone or with others with whom they can share ideas. They can work entirely offline or entirely online or in blended mode if their local open school provides such an option.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of Becoming a Climate Champion, you will be able to

  • show your understanding of the science of climate change
  • demonstrate an understanding of the basic scientific processes that lead to climate change
  • distinguish the factors governing natural climate variability from human-caused climate change
  • identify and support action to mitigate the effects of climate change